Unit 1M, Walrond's Business Park Isle BrewersTauntonSomersetTA3 6QP
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Cancellation Policy


Ordinarily we do not run an organised distance selling scheme.

However, due to the coronavirus outbreak we need to support our valued customers by delivering your vehicle to your home.

If you have ordered and taken delivery of your vehicle without visiting our Unit and you are not buying the car in the course of your trade or business, the following cancellation clause applies:

  • You have 14 days to get to know your new vehicle and to make sure it suits you. If you change your mind just let us know in writing by post EA Automotive Ltd Walronds Business Park Isle Brewers Taunton TA3 6QP or in email to [email protected] and to reach us by 6pm on the 14th day following delivery and we will come and collect the vehicle for a refund.
  • We cannot accept a return of the car if it has been damaged, modified or altered from the condition it was delivered in.
  • An excess mileage charge of £0.85 per mile for any mileage over 250 miles in those 14 days will apply. If you do change your mind you cannot use the car once you have notified us - but you must still tax and insure the vehicle until it is collected.

This cancellation (change of mind) clause does not affect any separate rights given to you in The Consumer Rights Act 2015 or the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended).